VIRTUAL Beginner IQ Designer/My Design Center Training (Dream Machine/Destiny)
One of our most requested classes. We will take you through all of the stages of learning how to scan, design, and/or assign stitches to your embroidery projects with built in programming on your machine, whether IQ Designer or My Design Center. This class will be taught through Zoom and recorded and posted to a private Facebook group for your viewing at a later date/time. You can ask or write question that will be answered in real time. You will receive step by step instructions on creating and completing 5 embroidery projects that YOU design. Pick up your kit bundle before the first session. If you have attended this class before but feel that you need a refresher, we will be completing similar but different projects this time!
Includes Kits and Lesson Notebook
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Included Materials
This class cannot be purchased online. Please contact the store for more information.